


  "The Rules" of a Kingsman Gentleman are as follows: A gentleman never tells about conquests, private matters, or dealings. His business is nobody elses. A gentleman doesnt clash in public with enemies or exes, or worse, with out-of-fashion contrasts, colors or styles. A gentleman is always happy to serve, whether its opening the door, picking up the bill, or merely calling a cab the next morning. Ask him for help and he cannot refuse. A gentleman never reacts to rudeness. He pretends he doesnt recognize it and moves on like it never happened, because it never should have. A gentleman is always on target with witty remarks, interesting facts, and conversation starters that bring the best out of everyone. And (6) A gentleman asks non-invasive questions to keep a conversation going and attention focused on others. He makes them feel like the most interesting person hes ever met, whether thats true or not.




